понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

crosshouse hospital

I thought Midnight Sun would just be the same as Twilight, since itapos;s the same story only from another perspective. But I was wrong. It is completely a different one. I mean, yes of course, it has to match with Twilight, but it has a story on its own. It explains why Edward suddenly leaves, how he feels, and everything about him.

If youapos;ll ask me which oneapos;s better, I donapos;t know. I think I would be biased if I answer Midnight Sun, because of the loving-Edward-Cullen-tendencies I have. I know, I know, Iapos;m just like all those people who falls in love with his character, wishing that an Edward Cullen exists.�Well anyway, Twilight and Midnight Sun are the best books from the series.

I admire Stephenie Meyerapos;s writing prowess. For her to really match up the story is amazing. Midnight Sun has the same lines and plot and everything. (Of course�Itapos;s supposed to be the same freakinapos; story anyway�Haha). Anyway, I just find it tedious and hardwork to make sure that Midnight Sun is a spitting image of Twilight. Still, it has a story on its own.

Okay, enough of the Twilight madness. I�guess I was dazzled because of its perfection. :)

Back to work. Must prepare a powerpoint for tomorrowapos;s EVSEM�Part 1.�:) Canapos;t wait for Part 2�:)


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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

departamento de educacion de california

Dear Kevin,

Fuck you. First of all, you are a fucking lunatic and though I miss the friendship we once had I do not miss what you morphed into. I am glad that we parted ways; yeah it sucks it was on bad terms, but I could no longer have a friend that did not support my decisions and badgered me for being "less than shit" because of them. You very well know that the only reason you have said all that fucked up shit to me is because I chose him not you.

Funny how you were so bent on giving me back every thing I ever made or gave you, but you failed to give me back my fucking Communications book, which would have been nice. So stop trying to fucking avoid it and just give me back my fucking book. Your broke ass didnapos;t pay for that book for college cause you had me and since you were so willing to give me back every thing else why donapos;t you finally give me back that? Dumbass...

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To whom it may concern:

Okay, you donapos;t like me, I get it. There: I took the liberty of telling myself, so can we quit this bullshit avoidance shit? Yes, Iapos;m sort of pissed that you ever offered me another chance in the first place. Yes, Iapos;m even more pissed that after you offered me said chance, you preceded to make out with me and fuck me. Iapos;m not upset with myself for letting that happen; I truly believed I meant more to you than that. And perhaps I deserve it, considering Iapos;ve fucked you over plenty of times...but Iapos;ve never fucked you over after literally fucking you. I didnapos;t think you were one of those guys who would feed me bullshit just so Iapos;d take off my pants...really. But I am willing to put all this aside, because I really like you, and if I canapos;t have you as a boyfriend or whatever, thatapos;s fine. I donapos;t deserve you anymore, I understand this. Letapos;s just go back to the way things were; forget I ever mentioned anything. I just miss you, thatapos;s all.

Iapos;m obviously not sending this. Just needed to get it out of the way.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

eyeballers does dallas

Iapos;m so mad at my dog right now. I love her but sheapos;s so freakinapos; dumb. On her way inside she ALWAYS has to walk as far away from her runline as she can. My mom says itapos;s so she can be sure not to step on acorns so I guess I can understand. But unfortunately we have this fireplace thing in the middle of our backyard. And sheapos;s stupid enough to get caught around it. EVERY.�NIGHT. Sheapos;s not even bright enough to notice what is keeping her back to just walk back around it. Thatapos;s when she starts barking at me. Thatapos;s when I have to find shoes to walk out there. Thatapos;s when I�step in dog poop.�Anyway, the nightly ritual goes like this:

"You never learn, do you?" *Darcie wags tail* "Okay, Darcie baby, watch what I do." *Casey walks back around fireplace* *Darcie continues to circle around the fireplace even more so she can meet me half-way* "NO WHERE�THE�HELL�ARE�YOU�DOING?" *takes collar and tugs in�correct�direction* "This way, loser"�*as Darcie�walks confused as how I amazingly set�her free, she wags her tail some more* "Youapos;re an idiot, but I love you."

Iapos;ve gotten used to it. I pet her when we get inside,�continue to call her dumb, but scratch her ears anyway.�Sheapos;s so soft.

But tonight~ ooh, tonight. She was barking. I walked across�the house for shoes. I opened the door. I shivered like�whoa. I walked over�to puppy�careful not to step in poop. Once Iapos;m about a foot away from her she walks around the thing herself up the steps to the porch and Iapos;m like, "WHY�DIDNapos;T�YOU�DO�THAT�FIVE�MINUTES�AGO?"�and�just stand there in the same spot, staring at her with strong disgust. After about thirty seconds of recollection, I walk up the steps where sheapos;s clicking at the door as if�Iapos;m about to let her in with me.

Okay, I do, but Iapos;m terribly annoyed. I want to�believe she was thinking, "Casey, look what I can do~" but do dogs do that?�I donapos;t know. Sometimes�I wish she could talk.

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dork in disguise

So what is new with me? I am so sick of puking, being tired, nauseous, my boobs hurting, heartburn, headaches, and feeling bloated. My pants are starting to get tighter, prolly from the bloating. Sohellip;. So far being pregnant sucks and this is only week 6.

My BF is moving in on Sunday. Irsquo;m really excited about that. I love cuddling up next to him and falling asleep. He is so awesome. I love waking up next to him in the morning and all the time when we arenrsquo;t sleeping is awesome too. He is so smart and funny and wonderful.I just cant say enough about him. There arenrsquo;t words in the dictionaryhellip; hell the world to describe how awesome and wonderful he is.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So my other 2 blogs on Blogger (Nicoleapos;s Blog of 5 years, and the RC article blog) all crashed and went bye bye. I am going to turn this into both a writing and video blog. Some of the entries will be public, some will be private. If you are a friend of mine/anyone I know, and want to see the private postings, set up a free LJ account and post a comment to this entry. I will then approve you.

Thank you
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I love you so much. I canapos;t portray how sorry i am. I made a mistake, and iapos;m learning from it. Youapos;re one of the things that kept me happy since ive been here. As much as i thought i did, ive never felt this way about a guy. What happened, today made me realize how much we like each other. I donapos;t want anyone else but you, baby. Really.


i was soooooo tired all day.
4 hours of sleep sucks.
thank god tomorrow is friday.
then the weekend :D
i wanna see my booooooooooo
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