среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

engine block id

Maybe it's from all the Marketing conferences I've been covering, but lately I've been paying extra attention to customer service. Whether I'm in a restaurant, at the gym or in a department store, I've become very conscious of how I'm treated. I figure if I'm going to spend my hard-earned money somewhere, I want to be sure it's going to the right places.

Covering the internal communications industry, I often read or write about employee engagement; just as staff needs to be engaged to become more productive inside an organization, externally they should be engaging with customers to help build their company's brand. If I'm treated well in a place, you can be sure I'll be back.

This isn't rocket science of course, but at the same time I can't help but wonder why so many businesses conduct a 'take or leave' mentality. Particularly shocking are local Mom and Pop places who in this struggling economy should be kissing customers' feet rather than treating people abruptly with lackadaisical service.

Just last week I received a manicure at my local nail salon which, as it turns out, had recently raised their prices. "OK," I wondered, "so what am I going to get for the extra four dollars?" The answer: nothing. In fact, I got less. The usual free 2-minute shoulder massage was now a thing of the past and no longer was there any pleasant banter. Instead customers were treated to a 'get in, get out' scenario; I may as well have been in a factory. And I'm an established customer I might add.

Then there was the waiter in my neighborhood trattoria who barely let out a grunt when serving my main course the other afternoon. Not once did he come by and ask the standard question - 'Is everything alright?' Maybe because he knew it wasn't. And he's working for tips???

To all businesses - big or small - here's a simple piece of advice: a little friendliness goes a long way, interpersonally and financially.

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